How Our Database is Populated
The information in our database is a result of a collaborative effort between PA 211 Northeast and a number of community partners:
PA 2‑1‑1 Northeast primarily gathers information from direct service providers and government agencies about the programs and services offered by their organizations through an inclusion application process. Once added to the database, these service providers are asked to update their public listings, at minimum, once a year.
All year round, however, changes are being made based on feedback provided by callers, our local United Way partners, and ongoing information-seeking by PA 2‑1‑1 Northeast staff!
Inclusion / Exclusion Criteria
Read the PA 211 Database Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria, click here.
Update your listed information in the PA 211 Database.
If you receive an Web Survey email to update you agency/service information in the PA 211 Database, click here for detailed instructions on how to complete the survey.
Add a Service
If you would like to add a service to our database, please click here and fill out the web form.